Fix Notion cannot login on Windows 11

by Daniel Pham

Fix Notion cannot login on Windows 11. This article will share my experience in handling the error of not being able to log in to the Notion app on Windows 11 computers.

Error description

Yesterday I was using Notion on my computer normally, and yesterday my computer had some minor update related to Windows.

This morning, when I opened Notion, it notified me that my login session had expired and I needed to log in again. Well, logging in again is fine.

When I logged in with my email and password, the Notion app still showed the normal login box for me to enter my information.

After I entered my password, nothing happened. A blank white window with 3 options to log in with Google, Apple, and SSO. The Notion app should have shown me a box to enter the MFA code right after I successfully entered my password. But no, it showed nothing, just a white window with 3 options to log in at the top, and a few lines of notification below.

I tried closing the Notion app and trying to log in again several times but it didn’t work.

How to fix Notion cannot login on Windows 11?

Here is the process I followed to fix this error.

First, I googled to see if anyone else had the same problem but nothing was very clear.

Next, some suggested that you can uninstall the Notion app and try to reinstall it. Well, that’s what I did. I uninstalled the Notion app, went to the Notion download page and downloaded the new setup file and reinstalled it again. Then I tried to log in and the result was the same, a blank white window.

I looked again to see if Notion servers were having issues and their status page showed everything was fine. So somewhere the problem was on my machine, not their system.

After a while of searching, I decided to look for information on Notion’s support page and found this information.

Fix Notion cannot login on Windows 11
Reset Notion app on Windows 11.

On Windows: In File Explorer, go to C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming, then delete Notion

Fix Notion cannot login on Windows 11
Find and delete the Notion folder located in  C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming

So I tried the following:

  • I uninstalled the Notion app from my computer
  • Found and deleted the Notion folder in the C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming folder
  • Reinstalled the Notion app again
  • Tried logging in again and this time it worked


I think because Windows has updated something that makes Notion’s local data folder on Windows 11 corrupted. We need to delete it and reinstall Notion, the error will be fixed and disappear. Hope the article helps you if you are experiencing the same situation as me.

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